How Much Does It Cost To Create An App Like Uber

Uber’s Appy Ending Inspires Copycats But At What Cost?
There’s little doubt that Uber is one of the success stories of the last decade, despite a little bad press along the way. Latest figures show that the taxi firm operates in almost 80 countries worldwide with over 80 million people using its app. So, how much does it cost to create an app similar to the one that Uber has been so successful with? Web application experts in Leeds, ExciteBrand, explain the ins and outs of what’s involved – and the approximate cost – of going into competition with the famous taxi company.
An appy partnership
An app like Uber’s is basically two separate ones – a driver’s app and a passenger’s app. The driver’s app requires a number of features such as profile with verification, options to accept or decline bookings, location details, destination details, booking history, price information, navigation and support.
The passenger app requires features such as secure login, booking interface, payment processing, push notifications for updates, price calculator, driver tracking and messaging.
The techy stuff
In order to create an app which will perform like Uber’s, you’ll need the services of techy types to help you with the development of the website and back end. Development of the native app, design and quality assurance. Needless to say, none of that comes cheap! Below is a breakdown of the kind of costs you can expect from a project like this one.
To complete all of this work for both Android and iOS will require many many hours of specialist work. As an estimation, it would cost £40,000 for the iOS application and £45,000 for the android application, a total of £85,000 to complete both.
Although this may seem like a fair chunk of change, the success of Uber’s service means that its founders, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp have already recouped their expenses several thousand times over. ExciteBrand are web application experts in Leeds and have extensive experience of producing apps for their clients. Working with some of the most important companies in the UK, ExciteBrand offers expert production of great apps at suprisingly afforable prices.